Publisher's description:
Papers presented at the conference on the age of the eastern Roman emperor Theodosius (Segovia 2009).
Table of contents:
III List of Figures
V Contact details
VI Prefacio, Rosa García-Gasco, Sergio González Sánchez and David Hernández de la Fuente
Section I: History and Archaeology
1 The power of Maternus Cynegius in the Theodosian court. María Victoria Escribano Paño
9 De las catacumbas a las catedrales: sobre la transformación del espacio sacro desde el inicio de la era cristiana hasta la época
teodosiana, Pedro Barceló
19 The Fate of Temples in Late-Antique Rome, Chantal Bielmann
27 Sicilian cities between the fourth and fifth centuries AD, Denis Sami
37 The creation of Christian urban landscapes in Hispania: a rather late development, Pilar Diarte Blasco
45 Cristianización y violencia religiosa en la bética: tres casos de eliminación de escultura pagana y mitológica en torno a época teodosiana, Jerónimo Sánchez Velasco
53 El papel de Gala Placidia en la creación de un reino godo en Occidente, Rosa Sanz-Serrano
67 Theodosius II and the consolidation of the Visigothic power in the West, Fernando López Sánchez
73 Ammianus and Theodosius I concerning the Barbarica Conspiratio, David Álvarez-Jiménez
85 The foedus of 382 or how the Goths did not become integrated into the Roman Empire, Eike Faber
91 The missorium of Theodosius: imperial elites and the Lusitanian countryside in the Later Roman Empire, Saúl Martín González
99 Rural population of farmlands south of
the Guadalquivir valley in Late Antiquity (fourth-sixth centuries AD), Enrique García Vargas and Jacobo Vázquez Paz
123 Safe in their homes? Reflections on defending town s and populations in northern Italy, AD 350-450, Neil Christie
Section II: Philosophy and Literature
133 El retrato de Teodosio I (Epit. 48), una encrucijada en la caracterización imperial de la Antigüedad tardía, Isabel Moreno-Ferrero
145 Themistius and the accession of Theodosius I, Oratio XIV, Aitor Blanco-Pérez
153 La cristianización del calendario oficial romano y la política religiosa de Graciano, Valentiniano II y Teodosio I, Esteban Moreno Resano
161 The persecutores in the Late Antique Christian literature (4th-5th century AD): Christian historical retrospective of the period of persecution after the Edict of The
ssalonica—AD 380, Jorge Cuesta Fernández
169 From the cave to the desert: the Platonic myth of the cave and its Christian
echoes, Javier Martínez
175 Reception of Proclus in Pletho and Ficino, Jesús de Garay
183 Diogenes Laertius between tradition and innovation: philosophers and θεῖοι ἄνδρες, Sergi Grau
191 Rhetoric of novelty in the Dionysiaca of Nonnus of Panopolis, Laura Miguélez-Cavero
197 La teúrgia, de época teodosiana a Nono de Panópolis. Una visión panorámica, Rosa García-Gasco
205 La frontera entre la prosa y el verso en la sofística del Bajo Imperio: reconsiderando a Himerio, José Guillermo Montes Cala
223 Elio Aristides como modelo retórico desdela Antigüedad tardía al Renacimiento, David Hernández de la Fuente
229 Bibliography/Reference list