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Tesori. Forme di accumulazione della ricchezza nell'alto medioevo (secoli V-XI) A cura di: Sauro Gelichi, Cristina La Rocca Contributi di: Sauro Gelichi, Cristina La Rocca, Chris Wickham, Stefano Gasparri, Viella Lib... €28.00
Testamento e codicillo Autore: Jean De Meun A cura di: Silvia Buzzetti Gallarati Nardini Ed... €17.00
Testi antichi italiani Autore: Bruno Panvini Bonanno Ed... Quotazione
Testi cosmografici, geografici e odeporici del medioevo germanico A cura di: Dagmar Gottschall Contributi di: Francesca Chiusaroli, Carla Del Zotto, Carmela Giordano, Maria Cristina Lombardi, Fédération... €40.00
Testi inediti dal Commento ai Salmi di Atanasio Autore: Giovanni Maria Vian Institutum... €16.00
Testi medievali inediti: Alcuino, Avendath, Raterio, S. Anselmo, Abelardo, Incertus auctor A cura di: Carmelo Ottaviano Casa Editr... €217.00
Testi padovani del Trecento Autore: Lorenzo Tomasin Esedra Edi... €31.00
Testi veronesi dell'età scaligera Autore: Nello Bertoletti Esedra Edi... €35.00
Testimone a Gerusalemme Autore: Alessandro Bedini Prefazione di: Franco Cardini Città Nuov... €11.50
Testimonianze organologiche nelle fonti teoriche dei secoli X-XIV Autore: Elena Ferrari Barassi Fondazione... €36.00
Text and Territory: Geographical Imagination in the European Middle Ages Edited by: Sylvia Tomasch, Sealy Gilles University... €45.00
Texts and contexts. Ongoing researches on the Eastern Iranian World (ninth-fifteenth c.) Editors: Viola Allegranzi, Valentina Laviola Istituto p... €35.00
Textus testis. Lingua e cultura poetica dalle origini Autore: Gianfranco Folena Bollati Bo... €34.00
The Age of the ΔΡΟΜΩΝ. The Byzantine Navy ca 500-1204 Author: John Pryor, Elizabeth M. Jeffreys Brill €49.50
The Anglo-Saxons from the migration period to the eighth century Edited by: John Hines Boydell Pr... €45.00
The Arabic Translation and Commentary of Yefet ben 'Eli the Karaite on the Abraham Narratives (Genesis 11:10–25:18) Edition and Introduction. Karaite Texts and Studies Volume 4 Author: Marzena Zawanowska Brill €216.00
The Architecture and Liturgy of the Bema in Fourth- to-Sixth-Century Syrian Churches Author: Emma Loosley Brill €171.00
The Art of Byzantium and the Medieval West. Selected Studies Author: Ernst Kitzinger Edited by: W. Eugene Kleinbauer Indiana Un... €14.50
The Beguines and the Beghards in medieval culture Author: Ernest W. McDonnel Octagon Bo... €150.00
The Beguines and the Beghards in medieval culture Author: Ernest W. McDonnel Rutgers Un... €150.00
The Benedictines in the Middle Ages Author: James G. Clark Boydell Pr... €50.00
The Beneventan Script. A History of the South Italian Minuscule Author: Elias Avery Lowe Second Edition prepared and enlarged by: Virginia Brown Edizioni d... €59.39
The Birth of a Stereotype. Polish Rulers and their Country in German Writings c. 1000 A.D. Author: Andrzej Pleszczynski Brill €182.00
The Book of Genesis in Late Antiquity. Encounters between Jewish and Christian Exegesis Author: Emmanouela Grypeou, Helen Spurling Brill €252.00
The Book of Margery Kempe Translation by: Barry Windeatt Penguin Bo... €21.47
The Book of Margery Kempe Edited by: Barry Windeatt Longman Pu... Quotazione
The Book of the Tournament Author: Brian R. Price Chivalry B... €21.20
The Brick System of Romanesque Architecture The Lombard Band and Its Transformation in Catalonia and France Author: Clement Edson Armi L'Erm... €100.00
The Bride and the Bridegroom of the Fathers. An Anthology of Patristic Interpretations of the Song of the Songs Author: Russell J. DeSimone Institutum... €19.00
The Buddhist Caves at Aurangabad: Transformations in Art and Religion Author: Pia Brancaccio Brill €118.00
The Byzantine Manuscript Tradition of the Tragedies of Euripides Author: Alexander Turyn L'Erm... €101.00
The Byzantine Province in change (On the Threshold between the 10th and the 11th Century) Author: Bojana Krsmanović Editors: Ljubomir Maksimović, Taxiarches G. Kollas Institute... €39.50
The Byzantine-Ottoman Transition in Venetian Chronicles / La transizione bizantino-ottomana nelle cronache veneziane Edited by/a cura di: Sebastian Kolditz, Markus Koller Contributors/Contributi di: Sebastian Kolditz, Markus Koller, Dorit Rain Viella Lib... €32.00
The Caliph and the Heretic. Ibn Saba' and the Origins of Shī'ism Author: Sean W. Anthony Brill €175.00
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy Edited by: Daniel H. Frank, Oliver Leaman Contributors: Oliver Leaman, David Shatz, Joel L. Kraemer, Sarah Stroumsa, Sarah Pes Cambridge... €55.00
The Canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim. The Formation and Function of the Sunnī Ḥadīth Canon Author: Jonathan Brown Brill €67.00
The Cardinal Virtues in the Middle Ages. A Study in Moral Thought from the Fourth to the Fourteenth Century Author: István P. Bejczy Brill €136.00
The Career and Writings of Demetrius Kydones Author: Judith R. Ryder Brill €118.00
The Catena in Marcum. A Byzantine Anthology of Early Commentary on Mark Edited and Translated by: William R.S. Lamb Brill €182.00
The Christology in Hilary of Poitiers' Commentary on Matthew Author: Paul C. Burns Institutum... €18.00
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